This is the first test of an idea for the Force Of Nature round of the IRTC.
This is a meteor's view of it hitting a planet. There's a couple of obvious
bugs: it flies through a couple of hills, and you can see the level of detail
change from a smooth surface to an isosurface. There's also something really
wierd at the start of the animation, where it looks like the planet appears
through an imaginary plane. I've modelled everything to a scale of 1 pov unit =
1 metre, the planet has a radius of 6,000,000 units, so maybe it's just hitting
the limit of POV's accuracy.
What do you think? Any comments, suggestions, etc.?
On a different note, does anyone know how I can tell if an mpeg is in mpeg-1
format? I have a bunch of codecs here but I don't know if any of them do mpeg-1,
and it's kind of important for entering the irtc! I have cmpeg, which I'll use
if I get stuck, but I used Bmp2Avi to make this anim and it's a lot easier.
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